I have worked for social and economic prosperity for over 30 years.
It's time to bring it to Concord.
I have worked for social and economic prosperity for over 30 years.
It's time to bring it to Concord.
I am committed to avoiding increased property taxes and ensuring our tax dollars are used effectively. That's why I will vote to protect funding for public schools, ensuring our property tax dollars support our public education system rather than subsidizing private or parochial schooling for other people's children.
Every family has the r
I am committed to avoiding increased property taxes and ensuring our tax dollars are used effectively. That's why I will vote to protect funding for public schools, ensuring our property tax dollars support our public education system rather than subsidizing private or parochial schooling for other people's children.
Every family has the right to choose the best educational path for their children, but public funds should be used to enhance the quality of education for all children in our community, not diverted to private interests.
Redirecting public education funds to private schools will inevitably lead to higher taxes. We cannot sustainably deplete our resources without eventually needing to replenish them. Let's invest in our public schools and protect our financial future..
"Education is the soul of a society" G.K. Chesterton
I am committed to ensuring access to reproductive health & cancer screenings and family planning options, including birth control and abortion, in our state laws. I will tirelessly defend these essential rights and safeguard women's autonomy over their healthcare choices.
A woman's right to make her own private healthcare decisions
I am committed to ensuring access to reproductive health & cancer screenings and family planning options, including birth control and abortion, in our state laws. I will tirelessly defend these essential rights and safeguard women's autonomy over their healthcare choices.
A woman's right to make her own private healthcare decisions is at risk. The recent backsliding decision by the U.S. Supreme Court has heightened the need for state-level protection of women's reproductive freedom, a freedom grounded in human rights to life, equality, privacy, and personal bodily integrity.
Family and personal wellness fuels prosperity for everyone in a community.
Safe roads, strong bridges, reliable firetrucks, and well-equipped fire stations aren’t just conveniences—they are the lifeblood of our communities.
Housing, healthcare, childcare, food, transportation, and home heating costs are stressing our families and seniors. I’ll support policies to ease these burdens and ensu
Safe roads, strong bridges, reliable firetrucks, and well-equipped fire stations aren’t just conveniences—they are the lifeblood of our communities.
Housing, healthcare, childcare, food, transportation, and home heating costs are stressing our families and seniors. I’ll support policies to ease these burdens and ensure everyone can thrive, not just get by.
Keeping Brookline, Mason, and Greenville running smoothly requires focused attention on critical services. I’m committed to securing funding and technical resources for necessary upgrades, preparing shovel-ready projects, and addressing weather-related impacts on our infrastructure—all with a strong focus on fiscal responsibility to ensure every dollar benefits our towns’ future.
Property Tax Relief
Our property taxes will keep rising if public school funds are diverted to private and parochial schools. I oppose the Education Freedom Account system because it puts our public schools at risk and shifts the financial burden onto taxpayers. While private schools are a valid choice for families, they should not be funded by taxpayer dollars
Smart Growth for Our Towns:
Our cottage industries, farms, trades, and local services are the backbone of our town economies, driving growth and preserving our unique character. I’m committed to helping these businesses—and new ones—flourish. By introducing creative incentives and fostering vibrant town centers, we can reignite local commerce, strengthen our communities, and build thriving hubs where businesses and families can prosper together
Building a Stronger Future
Together, we can create a prosperous future for everyone. I am committed to supporting economic policies that open opportunities and strengthen our communities. This commitment is unwavering and will guide our path to a brighter future.
Your support and contributions, along with my commitment to work diligently on your behalf, are crucial steps in securing social and economic prosperity for everyone—today and tomorrow.
Together, we can do this.
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